Contact Us

Whether you would like to contact us with a compliment, a complaint or a question, we would be happy to hear from you. Please provide your name, contact info and a brief description of your topic/concerns. We will respond to you within one business day of receiving your submission.

For potential clients with questions about an assessment, our receptionist will arrange for a staff member to contact you to determine if an assessment would meet your needs.

    Name *

    Email *

    Phone Number

    Confidential or sensitive information should not be included in this comment section. Upon receiving your submission, WCPS will connect with you, if appropriate, to set up an in-person or telephone meeting to discuss your personal concerns.


    Toll Free: 1-855-730-1010

    Email Address:

    Fax: 604-709-0667

    Vancouver Office Address
    620 1285 W. Broadway,
    Vancouver, BC V6H 3X8