Persons With Disabilities (PWD) Applications
As noted on the BC Government website, the ‘Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities‘ provides disability assistance and supplements to provide greater independence for people with disabilities, including security of income, enhanced well-being, and participation in the community.
To be eligible for disability assistance, a person must meet the criteria for the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation and be designated as such by the ministry. Click here for more information.
The PWD application form has three sections. The first is to be filled out by the applicant, the second by the applicant’s physician. The third section, an “Assessor Report,” must be completed by a prescribed professional, such as a Registered Psychologist. The Assessor Report states whether or not the applicant has a mental health or cognitive disorder which interferes with their ability to perform activities of daily living activities. Examples of conditions that may qualify include; intellectual disability, severe mental health issues, or cognitive disorders resulting from a variety of conditions. If an applicant has previously been assessed at WCPS, we can complete the PWD Assessor Report at no cost to the client.